ALL In Education

Communities Investing In Education (CIEn)

Our community can’t continue being a witness to policy-making that does not include our voice, our aspirations and our power. ALL In Education is tasked with making sure that Latinos are not only at the table, but also making decisions and driving efforts that impact our communities.

This means that we need values-aligned Latino leaders to be in positions of influence and power in our education systems, to make sure our lived-experiences inform the decisions being made for our children and all students in Arizona.

To build real political power, our community has to build resilient independence, which is why ALL In Education is asking one-hundred or cien Arizona Latino leaders to publicly support our power-building efforts by donating $1,000 and become part of the CIEn campaign (Communities Investing in Education). These will be unrestricted dollars that will be given to the organization to be used at the Executive Director’s discretion.

CIEn Amigos

Be an ally to our community and our work. We need leaders in our community from all backgrounds to be a voice and help move our efforts forward. Become a CIEn Amigo and be part of the movement that will create real change for Arizona’s future.